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What is WIP Edit?

WIP Edit is a browser-based plug-in application that lets you edit transactions via the internet in a what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) format. For instance, with WIP Edit you can go to a web site, log on, open a form selection screen to select lines of business, and so on, that determine which forms to complete. The forms and other files are sent to your workstation.

You see the forms via the WIP Edit plug-in which fits within the browser. You see and complete the forms exactly as you or a regulatory party designed them. If you are already familiar with the PPS or Documaker Desktop products, then using WIP Edit is the same, except that you are seeing the application displayed in a browser.

For more information on WIP Edit, see Using Web-Enabled Solutions. For licensing information, contact your sales representative.

Note   If you are using WIP Edit version 11.0, there is a known conflict with Outlook than can prevent the Save on Exit option from working. To avoid any potential problems, be sure to click Save before exiting. This problem does not affect later versions of WIP Edit which include all available patches.